sickness, Latvia, pictures, etc PART I
First things first...
I found out where I'm going on mini-outreach! I'm going to Latvia. We'll be working with a YWAM base there.. they already have stuff arranged for us. Funny story behind that... I believe that's the same base that I e-mailed a few times about doing my DTS there. haha. What a co-winkadink.
So yeah, I've been sick since Thursday, October 26th. So I've mostly been in bed for the past 8 days. But everyone has been taking care of me, they're so sa-weet. Tonje bought me candy... TWICE! Yeah, in Norway they have kids programming at night instead of the morning, and it's like a "thing" for the parents to buy their kids this "TV Candy" and they eat it while they watch Saturday night cartoons. So even though there's no TV here (which is fine with me!!), Tonje bought me TV candy, teehee. Here's a picture:

My smallgroup made me a cookie, writing a little message that God gave them about me when they were praying for me! Here's a picture:

You can't really see it, but it says, "Melissa, stand in God's waterfall." teehee! I like it.
And here's a picture of me and part of my smallgroup, taken a couple weeks ago or something:

Yep, that's Marie, me, and Therese. My smile's all cheesy but OH WELL!
In other news,
it snowed here for the first time on Halloween night. It didn't stick or anything, but it was still exciting. I went out in it for like 1 minute. And took pictures! If you look close, you can see the snowflakes.
Dogonnit! It's only letting me post 3 pics in this blog... weirrrd. I'll just post another blog. tada!
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