pictures PART II (plus other random things)
So blogger is finally letting me post pictures again!
I took this picture right outside the base when it snowed on October 31st.

Melissa frolicking in the snow!

This is the weird-lookin' ketchup dispenser. It looks like a lung. hehe.

Presenting Grandiosa, "Norway's most-eaten pizza". People seem to be almost a little obsessed with it sometimes. It's very popular.

And this is Brad, putting lung ketchup on his slice of Grandiosa pizza. Brad taught some of us a very cool trick having to do with... matches! And I can do it! I'm so happay! But alas, I don't have a picture of that. :( Maybe someday I'll get a picture of me doing the match trick though.

Helina took a picture of me having quiet time in our "bathroom without a toilet/shower room/laundry room/dressing room" which used to be a kitchen. It was quiet in there... so that was where I went, teehee.

Ohp, now it's not letting me post pictures again. Oh bother, that's a poo.
The base is SOOOO empty right now. Fall Break started on Friday night, so almost everyone is either at their homes, visiting friends, or at the Get Focused conference (which I was planning on going to, but that kinda didn’t work out… but I’m okay with that). So I’ve been here with no more than 3 or 4 other people here at a time -- or less. It’s SO quiet! Strange. But it’s been kind of nice in a way, because it’s sooo much easier to actually GET ALONE with God! When there’s 60 other people living here, getting alone with God becomes a difficult thing to manage. However, I will be very happy to see everyone again when they get back! It’s amazing how much everyone missed everyone on the first Team Week. But it makes sense, because we’re always with each other! So we get to know each other pretty stinkin’ well!
Anyway, PRAISE THE LORD, I'm finally almost over my flu!! A huge thanks to all who have been praying for me! So maybe you're reading this, thinking to yourself "Well now that Melissa's feeling better, what should I pray about for her??" AH! Have no fear, I can answer that question! heheha. You can pray that I stay healthy, and that the others here stay healthy. You can also pray for my upcoming Team Week, which will begin on Wednesday morning. My team is going to a town on the southwest coast, about 2 hours or so away from Skien. We’ll be staying in a church (with no showers! That should be interesting ;). We will be giving lots of testimonies and devotions and doing some evangelism I think… I’m not too sure what else. We’ll be visiting churches, schools, youth clubs etc. So anyway, prayers for effective teamwork (I’ve discovered that that’s sooo much more important than I used to think) and effective planning/preparing. But most of all, that we can rely on GOD and clearly understand HIS will, direction, and plans for this Team Week. That would be MOST wonderful!!!
Again, thank you all muy mucho much for the prayers!!! Or in other words, tussen takk!!!
byebye for now.
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