catching up...
Monday, November 27th we started the week out with another LOVEFEAST. This time, us DTS girls planned it for the DTS guys. Theme: Army of God! :D We did lots of fun stuff, and as far as I know, I think everyone had a good time! I had a great time. Oh, I got picked (without knowing beforehand) to be one of the competitors in the guys vs. girls random, crazy competitions... stuff. Here are some pictures! :)
So that was the Lovefeast!
That night, Pelle from Switzerland arrived. He was our teacher for the week. Topic: THE HOLY SPIRIT.
That was a very good, very cool, very thought-provoking, very refreshing week! That Friday we had a "Holy Spirit Night". I can't possibly write about all the things that happened throughout the week! But I'm glad they did happen! :) The whole week was kind of a "you had to be there" thing because like I said, it's so hard to explain all the details! But it was good!! :)
Don't really have any pictures from that week.
Next up...
The coolest thing for me was getting to spend three days in the elementary school there. We didn't actually do much while we were there, which is very uncommon... usually we have to plan all this program and games and dramas and devotions and whatever else. But we were kinda just... there. Hanging around. I was with Janne (leader) in the 7th grade class. Those 7th graders were awesome, I miss them! They were so sweet and so friendly and open. And they spoke English to me! Voluntarily! It was so cool!! I also got to sit in on a couple English classes... that was so interesting!! One day I even got to be in a 3rd grade English class! They were so sweet, and funny and crazy!
Anyway, here's some pictures from Team Week Hånes...
So that brings me to...
This last Teaching Week on LEADERSHIP!
Our teacher was a man named Mike, from Germany. His real name is Marion, I think, but he goes by Mike. Anywho, he told that he wanted to share life and experiences, rather than theories and lectures. He talked a lot about our authority in Christ, and how as humans, we have authority... because that was God's intention with Adam and Eve. Just check out Psalm 8! Anywho, it was cool! Also, for me a lot of what Mike talked about was kind of a reassuring of other things I've learned from past teachers. It was almost like God was tying a bunch of things from the past three months together, before break, so I could "chew on it". hehe.
And thennn...
Friday, the 15th was the day of the YWAM SKIEN CHRISTMAS PARTY! It was quite a new type of experience for me! You see, Christmas in Norway is very formal. At least the parties are. At least that's what I've seen and heard! So, we all dressed up a bunch... like prom dresses and whatnot... and then we had this dinner! It was a traditional Norwegian Christmas dinner. It was very tasty! Then we had dessert and afterwards, we ALL (something like 80 or 90 of us) put on our coats and scarves and went to the center of the city (which is like... RIGHT THERE), and walked/ran around the big Christmas tree singing Christmas songs! We were so loud, and out of sync with each other! haha, it was great. Then we went into the basement of the classroom, where there were decorated tables set up and candles everywhere and dim lights, and stage (for the entertainment)! This was another one of those "you had to be there" times. But there was a whole lot of funny sketches and songs etc etc etc put on by lots of different Skien YWAMers.
Unfortunately, I don't have that many pictures of this night... but here are the ones I do have!
And, now I'm on Christmas break! I've been staying with my friend Solbjørg and her family since Saturday. It has been soooo nice and sooo relaxing! Oh it's wonderful! I miss everyone back home and it's SO weird not being home for Christmas... but I'm so thankful that God's taking care of me here and providing warm, welcoming, friendly, hospitable people for me to stay with! I feel so at home, even though I'm not at MY home! Tomorrow I'm leaving for a place near Oslo, to stay with my friend Therese! I'll have Christmas with her and her family!! That will be very nice, to have Christmas with a family!!
Well then, I'm going to sleep now! Long bus ride tomorrow from here to Oslo!
I'll post pictures and tell of my Christmas vacation later on. :)
God bless you all!!